June 29, 2023

Every July 4th, Americans celebrate with fireworks and special events. The holiday is officially called “Independence Day,” but over time society has changed this to the more popular and less meaningful moniker, “The Fourth of July.” The fireworks shot off on this holiday are supposed to be commemorating the “rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air” – symbols of our forefathers’ fight for our country’s freedom. But most of today’s generation doesn’t get the connection. Special events on “The Fourth” used to include patriotic concerts and the president’s speech reminding us of America’s bold fight for independence and calling us to be a unified nation. Now in the 21st Century, special events on this holiday consist of barbecuing, sunbathing, and watching a famous hot dog eating championship.

Elie Wiesel once said, “Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future.”

If today’s older generations stop remembering the patriotism of past Independence Days and today’s younger generations aren’t taught the true, fundamental reason why July 4th became a holiday, the significance will soon be lost forever. That is why parents need to take time this July 4th to explain to your children about “Independence Day.” Perhaps a resource like this one will help you start the conversation.

Now, I’m actually not writing this post to talk about the importance of remembering what happened about 250 years ago. I’m writing to talk about the importance or remembering what happened starting about 170 weeks ago.

It was in March of 2020 – 170 weeks ago – that both the Church and State starting making a lot of mistakes with their overreaction to the Covid-19 pandemic. We need to remember what happened so that it shall never happen again.

I’m not implying by calling it an overreaction that Church and State made a mountain out of a molehill. I know the coronavirus pandemic caused out-of-the-ordinary cases of illness and death and was more than a mere molehill. But I am saying Church and State made a mountain out of a Bunker Hill. Forcing healthy adults and children to take oppressive, overbearing precautions was – pardon the pun – overkill. The elderly certainly needed to take precautions when it came to Covid-19, as it was a virus that was overwhelmingly affecting their age group, but Church and State turned the prominent hill into a mountain when they expected all ages and health-statuses to cower, cover, and cooperate with ridiculous edicts.

We can grant grace to any decisions that were mistakenly made in the initial weeks of the pandemic due to sudden fear and the dissemintation of unreliable information. The March 2020 report from the Imperial College of London was the big propaganda piece that kicked off our country’s pandemic-pandemonium by predicting Covid-19 would cause 2.2 million deaths in the United States. The media pushed out this unreliable report, and without any opposing reports given any airtime by the media, let alone any credence by government officials, the majority believed the horrific prediction. From there, human nature caused most people to be willing to do whatever government and health officials told them.

Famous college football coach Paul Bear Bryant said, “When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it: admit it, learn from it, and don’t repeat it.”

My concern is the majority of politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, and Church leaders who made mistakes in overreacting to covid never admitted they were wrong – whether it was a couple of months after their initial, sudden reactions or even a couple of years later. They set up draconian lockdowns and stirred up hateful bigotry toward those who didn’t fall into line with mask and vaccine mandates, and now with the grace of hindsight still have not admitted they were wrong. Thus, learning from these mistakes won’t take place and things will just repeat themselves when Covid-25 or some other “unprecedented event” befalls our country and our world.

We must never forget the freedoms we gained in 1776 with the American Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Independence. Similarly, we must never forget the freedoms we lost in 2020 and the two years following with the relinquishment and denial of our civil rights, bodily rights, and fundamental right to worship. Don’t ever forget that:

  • churches were locked shut;
  • sacraments were canceled;
  • reception of the Eucharist was stopped;
  • visits to loved ones dying in hospitals weren’t allowed;
  • funerals were either canceled or at best consolations weren’t allowed; (this video is very disturbing on how mourners – who you know were hugging each other just prior to and right after entering the funeral home – were treated during the funeral ceremony);
  • weddings were postponed;
  • schools were shut down;
  • masks were forced on children and toddlers, let alone adults;
  • people were arrested for playing outdoors at a park, paddling alone in the ocean, and having family gatherings at home;
  • people who refused an experimental inoculation and thus couldn’t show “their papers” (remembrances of Nazi Germany) were kept out of restaurants, refused entrance to sporting events, shunned by much of society including friends and family, and even fired from their jobs.

There were then and are increasingly now numerous studies and reports that show masking, 6-foot distancing, and a vaccine not only does not stop covid but is worse in that masking and distancing cause educational loss and social/emotional harm, and the vaccine causes injury and death. These reports that countered the mainstream propaganda on Covid-19 precautions and remedies were buried and “canceled,” and thus weren’t allowed to see the light of day by the corporate media, the AMA, the CDC, the WHO, and state and national government officials.

I would bet the majority of Americans never knew about the following oppositional facts and counter-arguments regarding covid treatments and diktats if all they read and listened to were traditional broadcast news and government bureaucrats these past few years. This list of 31 sources of oppositional facts that I found in one sitting of online searching could easily expand to 131 more if I researched a bit longer: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.

Powerful organizations and figures like corporate media, government officials, and the CDC – along with most Catholic Bishops and the Pope himself – censored opposing information from being publicized and canceled, blamed, and in some cases fired anyone who avoided masking, opposed closing so-called “non-essential businesses” such as churches, and refused getting inoculated with a “vaccine.”

Pope Francis implied it was sinful and selfish to deny taking the covid jab by calling it a “moral obligation” and saying, “Ethically, everyone has to get the vaccine.” He required employees and visitors to the Vatican be inoculated, and he even removed a Bishop who opposed vaccine mandates.

If you know my personal story, my Seattle Archbishop, pastor, and superintendent formed a trifecta to force me out of my 40-year job as a Catholic school educator because I wasn’t willing to get injected with an abortion-connected and untested “vaccine.”

Even beyond the vaccine mandates, too many Archbishops locked up churches, too many priests refused to give the Sacraments, and too many Catholic school superintendents refused to let students return to school in a timely manner. Or when the Catholic superintendents finally removed the padlocks on school doors, they forced students to wear “face diapers” without any proof this stopped transmission but with much proof this hindered their social and academic development.

Don’t ever forget that in many states, churches were told to lock down while pot shops and liquor stores were allowed to remain open, and yet the priests and bishops in those states didn’t complain and didn’t appear the least skeptical of government agencies’ hypocritical, illogical, and obviously politically-driven directives.

Don’t ever forget that a citizen couldn’t receive a Sacrament, but he could buy Scotch because drug and alcohol establishments were considered so-called essential businesses. We Catholics needed our shepherds to fight the government edict of closing churches by using the government’s own language of essential business to argue that nothing is more essential – both in the Bill of Rights and for our eternal souls – than to be able to worship.  

Don’t ever forget that a large number of clergy genuflected to their government bureaucrats rather than to their God.

Have any of these Church leaders – from Pope Francis to Archbishop X to Father Y to Catholic School Superintendent Z – learned from their mistakes? Have any of them admitted they were wrong to force an abortion-connected vaccine on Archdiocesan employees, to require masking kids, to close church doors and halt liturgies and sacraments? Have Catholic Church administrators and pastors conceded that, once they did open their churches, that is was both an overreaction and secularizing of sacred spaces to wrap yellow caution tape around church pews like they were crime scenes and to turn their sacred spaces into warehouse-looking-buildings by sticking arrows on the ground showing where to walk at the magical 6-foot distance when receiving Communion?

The answer to all these questions appears to be “No!”

I don’t expect most government officials or the mainstream media to be humble, reliable, and truth-tellers, but I do expect the Pope, bishops, and priests to be. As our freedoms were lost and right to practice our faith kicked to the curb due to overreactions and poor decisions to the coronavirus, much of the country’s trust in the so-called medical experts and in government agencies was destroyed. But worse for authentic Catholics, much of our confidence in our Church leaders was shattered. Unsurprisingly, many Catholics who were kicked out of church in 2020 during the stopping of public Masses never returned to attending Mass after the church doors were reopened.

Any way you look at it, Church clergy let us down with their initial reactions to covid in 2020 and then continued illogical decisions in the two years following. They let us down by not vociferously directing us to follow the 2,000-year-old advice to turn to the Lord for hope but instead directing us to turn our attention to a president, a governor, and an immunologist. They let us down by making their foremost concern the fear of the temporal, physical harm that a virus might do to their and their parishioners’ fleshly bodies while disregarding concern for their flocks’ eternal souls, which is what is called for in their job description. They forgot the words of the great Catholic thinker and author, St. John Vianney:

“Oh, my children, how sad it is! Three-quarters of those who are Christians labor for nothing but to satisfy this body, which will soon be buried and corrupted, while they do not give a thought to their poor soul, which must be happy or miserable for all eternity."

We expect our popes, bishops, and priests to be more concerned with the supernatural than the natural. They didn’t go to medical school to be the ones to take care of our physical bodies. They went to seminary and were ordained to look out for our spiritual souls. When priests are ordained, they promise to “preach the Gospel and teach the Catholic faith” and to “celebrate faithfully and reverently the mysteries of Christ, especially the sacrifice of the Eucharist and the sacrament of Reconciliation, for the glory of God and the sanctification of the Christian people.” At no time when they receive the sacrament of Holy Orders do priests promise to look after the bodily needs of the people or to embrace the edicts of their county’s department of health.

Jesus was an innocent man sentenced to death, and yet He was still able to say regarding his tormentors, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” So, I am willing to do likewise and assume the mistakes the clergy made in 2020-22 to lock up their churches and Catholic schools, to stop administering the sacraments, and to fire Catholic employees for not taking the covid “vaccine” were done out of ignorance.

However, if the priests and other Church leaders are either going to plead ignorance or just aren’t going to admit they made mistakes in how they responded to the pandemic, can we at least expect them to learn from these mistakes so in the future they will stay within their areas of authority to promote and promulgate the Faith?

In a similar fashion, if you you weren’t one of the minority who in 2020 spoke out, stood your ground, and refused to mask up or shoot up, but instead was one of the majority who uncritically acquiesced to whatever authorities told you regarding covid-connected directives and commands, would you do me a favor? If – or I should say, when – the next unprecedented crisis occurs in our country, whether it’s another pandemic or some other national calamity, would you vow here and now to commit to three things?

  1. That you will not blindly follow bureaucratic diktats and like sheep follow silly commands (such as the masking rules when at a restaurant);
  2. That you will fight for your and your neighbors’ civil liberties;
  3. That you will demand your priest and bishop tend to your spiritual soul more than fearing bodily ills.

It wasn’t until after a horrific number of deaths in the Civil War, but eventually the 13th Amendment was passed in 1865, thereby abolishing slavery in the United States. It took 40 years after World War II before the American government apologized for the mistake it made in incarcerating 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent during the war. Similar to these moments in history, I pray that today’s government and religious leaders have learned that “when you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it: admit it, learn from it, and don’t repeat it.”

The shameful aberrations which forfeited our civil liberties and squashed our religious freedoms, that the leaders/authorities/officials of both Church and State allowed during the Covid-19 pandemic, must never happen again.

2 thoughts on “A Principal’s Principle for Parenting: NEVER AGAIN SO READILY SURRENDER YOUR FREEDOMS & FAITH

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  1. Our bishops dismissed legitimate concerns about COVID vaccines felt by individuals with sensitive consciences. In so doing, these bishops ignore the Church’s teachings about the grave duty to obey one’s conscience. Yet the Church’s historic teaching is clear: if conscience forbids some specific action, it is forbidden. To betray conscience because of any pressure, secular or ecclesial, endangers one’s salvation. To tempt or coerce another to such a betrayal is a very grave matter.


    1. You’re so right about ones’s well-formed conscience. In addition, the Catholic Church teaches, and right reason affirms that, as a general rule, free and informed consent is required prior to all medical treatments and procedures, including vaccination. There is a principled religious basis on which a Catholic may determine that he or she ought to refuse certain vaccines. A Catholic may judge it wrong to receive certain vaccines for a variety of reasons consistent with these teachings, and there is no authoritative Church teaching universally obliging Catholics to receive any vaccine. 


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